Many Common Window Problems Can Be Fixed by Glass Replacement
December 11, 2021 12:56 amWhen you experience issues with your windows, you might wonder whether window repair or window replacement is likely to be the better course of action.
The answer depends on the nature of the problem you’re dealing with. There are certainly circumstances in which you can save money by simply repairing a part of the window. In other cases, however, the best solution is to replace the glass.
Here’s a quick look at some of the most common window problems you can resolve with glass replacement.
Drafts coming through the windows
One of the most common problems people experience in their homes during the winter months is drafts of cold air leaking into the home. This results in uncomfortable living spaces and unnecessary strain on the home’s heating system to keep consistent temperatures.
Drafts commonly occur around windows, as there could be gaps in the actual structure, particularly if the wooden window frames are old and have experienced some shrinkage. In other cases, though, the drafts could be a result of cracks or breaks in glass panes or due to a loss of insulation in the gas that is inserted in between windowpanes.
This is one example of a problem that could potentially be solved by window replacement.
Most windows have surrounds to keep the glass pane in place, and you can remove them for the purpose of replacing the glass. If the glass is just cracked, you can repair it, but if there is a consistent draft and the panes appear to be in good shape, the problem is likely more extensive.
When the frame is in poor condition, when there are multiple loose glass panes or when it’s simply difficult to open and close the window, it is likely best to replace the window.
Loose glass panes and panels
Larger windows that feature individual glass panes (which is more common in older styles of homes) often have issues with drafts that are difficult to resolve. If there are glass panes or panels that have come loose, you can potentially replace the existing panes and reseal them.
Carefully inspect the window before going this route. Depending on how much it wiggles, you may want to replace the window entirely rather than just the glass.
If many of the panels are solid and not drafty, replacing and resealing the panes makes sense; however, if most of the panels also wiggle or rattle when you open and close the windows, this is likely a sign that you need to replace the window and frame entirely. A professional can help you make a good determination here of the best path forward for you.
These are just a couple examples of common window problems that are likely best resolved by window replacement rather than window repair. For more information about what you can do to prevent drafts in your home and keep your windows in good condition, get in touch with the team at Custom Glass & Screen today. We look forward to assisting you soon!
Categorised in: Glass Replacement
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