Is It Better to Repair or Replace Commercial Glass?

November 15, 2021 6:17 pm Published by

If you think you may need commercial glass repair, you may be wondering if it will be better to try to repair the glass or simply replace it. The answer depends on a variety of factors. Before you call for commercial glass repair, keep the following considerations in mind.


What is wrong with your commercial glass? Do you have windows that are difficult to open? Is the glass foggy? Leaky? Cracked? If there is extensive damage, it’s probably not worth repairing the glass. Once glass has been damaged to a certain point, it is beyond repair. It has reached the end of its useful life and should be replaced.

If you’re not sure about the extent of the damage, consult with a commercial glass repair specialist to determine the best next steps. These professionals can inspect the glass or answer questions to discern whether your glass is salvageable or beyond repair.


Smaller repairs may seem easier and more affordable, but these may be the pieces you want to replace. If a small window or display has been damaged, it might be just as affordable to replace the glass as to try to repair the piece. Consult with your local glass repair professionals to determine the best course of action.


Custom glass may be extremely difficult to replace. If your glass is custom-made or has historical value, it is probably worth the effort to repair the glass rather than replace it. You probably won’t want to try to replicate the entire piece if it is possible to preserve it and simply repair any issues.


Do you need to make repairs quickly? Perhaps you have an important event on the calendar. Or maybe glass damage is allowing further damage to other parts of your property due to moisture leaks. If you need to meet a certain timeline, this will affect whether repair or replacement is a better option. Consult with a glass expert to learn which option will be faster for your particular project.


Repairs may be less expensive than replacement, but it’s important to consider long-term costs. Frequent repairs or costly maintenance can add up quickly and total more than the cost of replacement glass. If you’re making repeated repairs to the same glass, it’s probably time to invest the additional funds to replace the glass. This will save you time and money in the long run.


If you will be filing an insurance claim to cover the repair or replacement of the glass, it’s important to confirm which option will be covered by your policy. Depending on the situation and the terms of the insurance, you may be required to do one or the other, or you may have the option to repair or replace.

We repair and replace

Not sure which option to choose? Let our experts help. The team at Custom Glass & Screen has been providing quality glass solutions for customers since 1975. Contact us today with any questions or to get started on your next project.

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